Thursday, August 31, 2017

Digitized Yearbooks

Digitized yearbooks are slowly appearing on our history site at  So far we have 1939, 1940, 1941, and 1944 uploaded.  Unfortunately, we don't own copies of all of the Windsor Locks High School yearbooks, so only some years are available.  Watch for new ones!  It's a time- consuming process to format them and get them on our site, but we're working on it and expect to have more them available soon!

Strolling Through the Stacks

Several times a week I try to come into work a bit early so I can take a walk through the adult stacks.
This accomplishes 2 things:
1.  I have a chance to see what needs to be straightened or reorganized
2.  It's good exercise.  Starting by the DVDs and walking across, back and forth through all of the adult stacks and ending in the SCi-Fi / Fantasy area, adds more than 300 steps a day.  If I reverse and do the same thing the other way, that's around 625 steps.  That's around 1/3 of a mile, depending on the length of your stride.

Libraries are not just for books, movies, and computers.  They can also be for exercise!  Don't stop at the NEW book area.  While you're here, why not take a stroll through the stacks?  It's a great way to get in a few extra steps on a rainy or icy day (your pedometer will thank you), and, who knows, some great books might catch your eye while you're walking!  You don't even need a buddy because there's so much to look at!

Just remember, though, that people are reading and studying, so strolling the stacks is a great time for contemplation and great thoughts rather than socializing!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Farmer's Market

The Farmer's Market has ended for the season. Please support your local farm stands.  They have plenty of delicious fresh produce to sell!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Tuesday Again!

We have some VERY popular writers coming out with new books today!   Place your holds by calling us at 860-627-1495 or by visiting our catalog at

Monday, August 28, 2017

Tasha Tudor's birthday!

Happy Birthday, Tasha Tudor!

“I am sure there is Magic in everything, only we have not sense enough to get hold of it and make it do things for us” 
Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Author Birthdays

August 24 is a big day for author birthdays!  Brazilian author Paulo Coelho was born on this day in 1947.  His works include The Alchemist and The Devil and Miss Pym.  Also celebrating birthdays today are Sci-Fi author Orson Scott Card, Oscar Hijuelos (d. 2013), Jorge Luis Borges (author of Labyrinths, d. 1982) Chris Offutt, and John Green (The Fault in Our Stars).

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Eclipse Glasses

More than 2 million pairs of eclipse glasses were distributed for free to libraries throughout the United States recently.  Unfortunately, the Windsor Locks Public Library was not one of them, so we do not have glasses to distribute to the public.

Although we do not have glasses to give away, we will be hosting a live stream of the eclipse direct from NASA from noon to 3 PM on August 21. Please stop in and see the eclipse projected on our Smart Board.  NASA Solar System Ambassador Bill Fournier will be there with visual aids and fun facts about eclipses.

If you plan to spend the afternoon viewing the live stream, please reserve a seat by calling 860-627-1495.

Stieg Larsson

Stieg Larsson, the author of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, was born on August 15, 1954.  He died in 2004.

Be More Tech Savvy - For Free!

Learn how to use popular websites with free online courses from TechBoomers!  We have a link to TechBoomers right on our home page at

If you're afraid to set up a Facebook account because you aren't sure how, check out the TechBoomers course about Facebook.  You'll learn everything there is to know about setting up a Facebook account, privacy, settings, and how to use all of Facebook's features.  They have courses about all of the other popular social media sites, too, like Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram.  I'm going to look at the SnapChat tutorial soon!

TechBoomers also provides valuable instructions on how to use voicemail on your Android phone or iPhone, how to use Linkedn (business connections), how shop or sell on eBay or Craigslist, and how to use NetFlix, ride with Uber, or connect with UpWorthy.  These are just a few courses that Techboomers offers, all for free.  It's really worth checking out for anyone who is not completely tech-savvy (in other words, anyone over the age of 15)!  Give it a try!


Check out these new best sellers!

Monday, August 14, 2017

August 14 Birthday

You may know Steve Martin, born August 14, 1945, as a comedian and actor.  You may be aware that he's a talented composer and banjo player as well as an art collector.  Did you know that he is also an author?  In 1998 a collection of his essays from New Yorker was published as Pure Drivel.  His novella, Shopgirl (2001) and The Pleasure of My Company (2003) were best-sellers and in 2007 he published his autobiography, Born Standing Up: A Comic's Life.  Another novel, An Object of Beauty, came out in 2010.
Happy birthday, Steve Martin!

James Patterson Does It Again!

James Patterson's latest (with Richard DiLallo) is available today.  Check it out!

Eclipse Madness!

The Windsor Locks Public Library will be live-streaming NASA TV's "Eclipse Across America: Through the Eyes of NASA" on Monday, August 21 in the Community Room from noon until 3 PM.  The library's large Smart Board is the perfect place to safely watch the progress of the first complete coast-to-coast solar eclipse since 1918. More than 300 million people across the country may be viewing this phenomenon.

NASA Solar System Ambassador William Fournier will present information and visuals on the science behind eclipse, including maps, history, and safety tips direct from NASA.  Join us for this once-in-a-lifetime event at Windsor Locks Public Library, 28 Main Street.  Drop-ins are welcome, but if you plan to settle in and watch the entire event, please call the library at 860-627-1495 to register and reserve your seat.

More information on NASA's live stream and safe eclipse viewing, please visit

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Tuesday Madness Is Here Again!

Publishers have released some great books today!  Get out your reading glasses!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Consumer Reports

Image result for consumer reports

Want to research what kind of car you should get?  Or which cell phone is the best for you?  Then, try out Consumer Reports at the Windsor Locks Public Library!  Consumer Reports has an easy search engine designed just for you, and ratings for just about any item that you can think of.  Try their A to Z index to find information about that certain refrigerator you’ve had your eye on, or look at the TV buying guide to pick out the best flat screen.  Using Consumer Reports is free for Windsor Locks Library cardholders, and can be found at  You can use this invaluable resource at home, or you can visit the library to use it.  If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Windsor Locks Public Library at 860-627-1495 or visit the library at 28 Main St., Windsor Locks, CT 06096.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

What Else Is New?

Right now it's pouring rain, perfect weather for a good book.  Here are some new choices!  If you enjoy politics and history, we have many more choices available.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017