Tuesday, January 30, 2018

New Releases

We have tons of books here, as well as DVDs, BluRays, audiobooks, CDs, and magazines.  Stop down soon!

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Cookbook Club

We are planning to start a cookbook club this spring!  What is a cookbook club, you ask?  Each month we will choose a cookbook from our collection to feature.  Club participants will each choose one recipe to try from that cookbook (it will be available at the desk) and bring in enough tasting portions to our monthly meeting for each cook to sample. 

We will be featuring all sorts of cooking styles and tastes, including vegan, gluten-free, Mediterranian, seasonal, heart-healthy, desserts, salads, etc. As you choose your recipe you will mark the page and title with a post-it note and we will provide a list of all of the tested recipes, along with the title and author of the cookbook, for all of the participants at each meeting.  If you like what you taste you may just want to try more new recipes yourself!

We will be posting information on our website as our plans develop. Please email epearce@libraryconnection.info if you are interested in participating or need more information.  We are looking at the possibility of Monday evenings to meet, but we haven't finalized a time yet.  We are looking forward to this exciting new club and hope that many of you will, too!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Winston the Bookworm

One of our goals as a nonprofit is to figure out new ways to augment our budget so we can provide MORE services and MORE materials for our collection.  Many of our fundraisers are small (like our tote bags and bookmarks), while others (like our book sales, Bricks of Remembrance, and Gift of Reading) have a significant impact on funding for our collections and programs. We appreciate everyone who supports our library!

Speaking of small fundraisers, everyone has those moments when they need to note an appointment or a phone number or add something to their grocery list.  How many times have you had to search for a pen and a piece of paper to make a quick note?  Winston the Bookworm can help!  These little notepads (note the size comparison to the library books in the background of the picture above) fit easily into a jacket pocket or purse.  They sell for $3.50 and any proceeds will be used to add to our movie collection.  Next time you're at the library, take a few minutes to meet Winston and, maybe, take him home.  These little sets are great for both adults and kids!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

BookBuggs...A Different Kind of Book Club

Did you know that for the past 9 years a group of avid readers have been meeting on the first Tuesday of every month to share reviews and opinions about what they've been reading?  BookBuggs is a drop-in book club that meets at 6:30 pm.    There are no assigned books, no commitment, and no judgement, just sharing and socializing with other people who love to read.  Consider stopping in for BookBuggs.  Bring a notebook and pen to record titles for future reading and be prepared to eat cookies and make new friends!

Tuesday Treats

 New today!

Thursday, January 18, 2018


Don’t you wish you had help with your resume, your interview skills, or figuring out what career would be a perfect fit for you?  Try out JobNow at the Windsor Locks Public Library!  JobNow not only provides you with resume templates and interview tips, but you can interact with live experts!   Make sure you take advantage of the wonderful eParachute feature which allows you to match your skills/interests to an ideal college major and/or career path.  The Adult Learning Center provides even more professional services right at your fingertips!  Using JobNow is free for Windsor Locks Library cardholders, and can be found at www.windsorlockslibrary.org.  You can use this invaluable resource at home, or you can visit the library to use it.  If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Windsor Locks Public Library at 860-627-1495 or visit the library at 28 Main St., Windsor Locks, CT 06096.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


How many of you e-book fans have tried Freading?

Freading is an e-book database available through Windsor Locks Public Library's web page at www.windsorlockslibrary.org.  Thousands of books are available, and all you need is your Windsor Locks Library card.  Freading acquired nearly 37,000 NEW titles during the past, so it's there's no need to wait for a good e-book!  Check it out!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Wi-Fi is Back!

Our new fiber-optic Internet has been activated and Wi-Fi is now available again at Windsor Locks Public Library! It's time to celebrate!

MLK Day Closing

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Isaac Asimov

Isaac Asimov, award-winning author of such science fiction classics as I, Robot and Foundation, was born on this day in 1920.  By the time of his death at age 72 he had written nearly 500 books ranging in topic from science fiction to biology, astronomy,  religion, biography, and mathematics.

New Blockbusters

On the shelf today!