Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Trivia Night!

Trivia Night is coming up once again!  Join us for a fun night on Wednesday, June 5th at 6 pm!  Whether you know TV, movies, music or books, this will the perfect night to show off your love of knowledge!  Open your mind to winning prizes and giveaways!  Please remember to register online at or call the library at 860-627-1495 - space is limited!  

Monday, May 20, 2019

New Releases

If you haven't been to the library lately, stop down soon and check these out!

Friday, May 17, 2019

Goodbye from Christie Capers Mystery Book Club

Our Christie Capers Mystery Book is ending after 16 years and 158 books!  Through the years we have had enlightening and enjoyable visits from mystery authors Laura Bradford (aka Elizabeth Lynn Casey), Edith Maxwell, Carole Shmurak, Barbara Ross, Liz Mugavero, Lucy Burdette (Roberta Isleib), Susannah Hardy (aka Sadie Hartwell), Mark Dressler, Christine Whitehead, Leslie Matthews Stansfield, and Anne Canadeo (I hope I haven't missed anyone!).  We've received books and encouragement from authors Carolyn Hart and Sandra Parshall.  We've read and discussed everything from crafty cozies to gritty police procedurals, with a few thrillers thrown in.  Our first novel for discussion in September 2003 was The Body in the Library by Agatha Christie and our last in June 2019 will be The Christie Curse by Victoria Abbott.  Does that seem serendipitous?  Over the years our membership has ranged from 4 to 24 people and we've become as much a social gathering as a group (or would it be "murder," as it is for crows?) of avid mystery fans.

Book group members become friends and confidantes, sharing the big events and petty annoyances in each other's lives, and we will greatly miss the people who have passed through our group, sharing lives and opinions before moving on to other places, interests, or stages of life.

We are thrilled with our longevity and we'll certainly miss our annual Christmas party, but it is time for us to try some new things.  We will always read mysteries, though!  We have a great mystery section here at the library and we hope that all of our current and former members and anyone else who enjoys mysteries, but perhaps has never been inclined to join a book club, will take advantage of our great collection!  We still plan to invite mystery authors here to speak, so watch our calendar.

Thank you so much to everyone who has participated in Christie Capers over the years!
                                                                 Eileen & Janet

Monday, May 13, 2019

National Prevention Week

This week is Nationa Prevention Week and the Windsor Locks Wellness Coalition has provided us with materials for an educational display focused on prevention.  Especially if you have teens in your life, please stop by our display, located across from the circulation desk, and pick up important information on smoking, vaping, drug and alcohol use, depression, and suicide.  You could be saving someone's life!

Windsor Locks Library History Group

As Heritage Week 2019 approaches, our Library History Group is busy working with the Windsor Locks Historical Commission to provide interesting and educational information on the history and geography of our town.

Windsor Locks Municipal Historian Mickey Danyluk will present a talk on Governor Ella Grasso's 100th birthday for the Enfield Historical Society at the American Baptist Church on Post Office Road in Enfield on Monday, May 20 at 7:00 p.m.

Here at the Windsor Locks Library the History Group will be hosting a program on King's Island on May 21 at 7:00 p.m..
Local Historian Mel Montemerlo will take you on a photographic tour of Windsor Locks as it looked in its heyday.  Due to space constraints, this presentation will be held at the Senior Center at 41 Oak Street.

Please contact the Windsor Locks Public Library by phone or register online for the two events sponsored by the Windsor Locks Library History Group.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Tuesday Best Sellers

Every Tuesday most of the publishers put out their new books by major authors.  here are some of this week's hot reads: