Thursday, March 26, 2020

New Extended Due Dates

As of today, anything that was originally due during our closed period beginning on March 16 will be due on April 25.  And there is good news for people with things due BEFORE March 16.  No additional fines will accrue during this closed period.  Please use the book drop only if necessary since our staff is not available to empty it on a regular basis.  Please remember that anything left unsecured near the book drop or sticking out of the book drop is the responsibility of the borrower!  There's no rush to return your materials!  Stay safe and healthy!  We look forward to seeing all of you soon.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Take Our "Keeping Connected" Survey

We would like to know how you are doing during this time of staying home and trying to stay healthy.  Take our survey and let us know what you'd like and how you are doing!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Book Drop

If you plan to return library materials to our book drop during this time, please reconsider. All materials due during this time have due dates of April 1 and everything that was due before we closed will be backdated to March 14, our last open day. The due date will be extended if we remain closed for a longer period of time.

Like most of you, we have a very small supply of disinfectants and hand sanitizers due to the hoarding that has occurred. We have 2 employees who have been attempting to keep up with emptying the book drop, which involves wiping down and drying each item before checking them in. Once we run out of disinfectant wipes we will be unable to empty the drop and eventually things will no longer fit into it. And please do NOT return materials if you are feeling sick or have been exposed to someone who has or may have COVID-19. There is no definite information on how long the virus might live on plastic or paper, so we prefer to err on the side of caution for your safety and ours

We hope that you are all well and we look forward to being able to serve you in person very soon. Please visit our website at to take advantage of our online services and databases and check out more of our Facebook page and this blog for suggestions on virtual activities to help you keep your sanity while staying home.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Novelist Plus - a great database while we're isolated!

While the world is dealing with this pandemic, the Windsor Locks Public Library is still here to help you with your reading needs.  Maybe you’re not sure what to read next, what other books are similar to that author you love, or even need ideas for curriculum connections while taking on homeschooling.  Look no further than Novelist Plus! It’s free with your Windsor Locks Public Library card, and you can access it while you are home during this isolating time.  Any questions, feel free to contact

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Is Your Card Blocked?

If you have been meaning to take care of that blocked Windsor Locks library card but haven't quite gotten around to it, don't worry!  During this time of social distancing, when many of us find ourselves with some extra time on our hands, you may wish you could download a good book from Overdrive to your e-reader.  The $10 fine level that usually results in a block on your card has been temporarily raised to allow most of our borrowers to take advantage of our online services, including borrowing eBooks and audiobooks from Overdrive.  Check an electronic book out today!  We want everyone to have access to books while staying home.  Visit and click on the Overdrive icon to see what we have to offer.

Status Update

Due to the increase in cases of COVID-19 in Connecticut, we will be available by email only for an undetermined amount of time. Please contact if you are in need of information or have questions about your library record or holds. We will respond as soon as possible during daytime business hours. Thank you for your cooperation.

Please note that we have adjusted all due dates to April 1 so there are no materials due during this period of closure. Since we will be unable to empty the book drop regularly, we ask that you retain your library materials until we reopen. Your existing holds will all be held at the library until we are open to the public again. Please visit our website at for more information and updates as well as links to databases, entertainment, and learning opportunities.

Stay healthy and use this time to read good books!  

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Windsor Locks Public Library Closing Update

We will be closing as of Monday, March 16th until further notice.  Staff will still be available, M-F 9:30 - 5, via email and phone to help as much as possible.  All due dates have been extended until April 1st - so don't worry about late items!  We are open today, March 14th until 5, so make sure to stop by to stock up on your reading materials!  We appreciate your continued support during this time.

Thursday, March 12, 2020


We are currently open to the public, but that may change given directives from the town, state, or our own evaluation of whether we can safely provide library services to the public.  We are doing everything we can to keep the library clean and germ-free, including limiting public computer use and sanitizing keyboards and door handles.  Please do not come to the library if you are feeling sick.  If you do need to come, you are welcome but don't forget to wash your hands use tissues or a handkerchief.  Stay well!

Coronavirus Preventative Measures